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title:strengthening the body, enjoying the work
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strengthening the body, enjoying the work

        ------yujiang welcome new year by work-break exercise

15:30 on 25th dec.2012, strengthening the body as the theme of the work-break exercise was hosted by the foreign trade department in yujiang, and sponsored by the  general branch of party and labor union , this game has heats and final 2 phase. there were 24 teams taking part in it , all teams prepared passionately , and practice seriously in free time, spirited yujiang people show their full of energy on the stage in rain.

in 3 rounds of heats. 9 teams access into final completion. with the applause and clapping, competitors did there best to try to show their attractive part in front of people. after a fierce competition, the first prize was won by the manufacturing 2 department, the 2nd prize belong to the general branch of party and manufacturing 1 department. the 3rd prize was taken by the 1 team of qc 1 department, the 1 team of qc 2 department , and the qc 2 department. honorable mention was given to the 1 theam of qc 2 department and the 1 team of manufacturing department.

the game was closed in the song of the coolest ethnic trend . zhou daolun (general manager) and gong jianyi( general secretary of party branch) award the prize and bonus to the winners. while the game took happy to yujiang people, it also strengthen our health, enhanced our cooperation and completion spirit ,. the good part of yujiang people was showed on this stage,  and this fired the gun of happiness for the new year.


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