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title:daimler eav audit in yujiang
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after yujiang passed bbac’s audit, two purchase managers, rong jinghua and zhu huiyu, of daimler northeast asia limited organized an eav audit in our company from october 18 to 19, 2011.

focusing on heavy truck components, this audit was detailedly carried out in aspects of plant management, long-term planning, human resources, production, project, supplier, quality and logistics management, research and development, as well as purchase. after this two-day audit, auditors pointed out our strengths and weaknesses in the summary meeting: years of experience in die casting and supply as a large-scale tier ii supplier, mold company, favorable working condition, good staff incentive mechanism, ts 16949 certification and excellent traceability management are recognized. however, daimler also indicated that our company has management insufficiencies, e.g. erp system is not sufficiently used in management of production and planning, some management personnel are not familiar with procedure documents of their own department, pfmea is incomplete, management personnel are not clear about 8d reports, establishment of quality targets shall be adjusted based on practical situations and overall continuous improvement, staff training and sub-supplier management shall be enhanced. auditors say our company may have a chance to do business with daimler beijing after improvement even if some problems exist in management.

after bbac and daimler audits, we will improve us according to customer concerns. though some issues have been corrected and improved, some other concerns of customers still need to be improved, e.g. logistics management, production process control and purchase management. let us work together and struggle together to thoroughly correct those issues presented by customers and win the partnership with bbac and daimler.

+ page up:leading in trades by technology, wining in market by technology
+ next page:yujiang was awarded honor of excellent supplier of 2012 by chongqing jianshe automobile a/c co.ltd

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