yujiang successfully passed the dpa2 audit of bbdc-pg电子平台网站


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title:yujiang successfully passed the dpa2 audit of bbdc
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in sep.of 2011, yujiang successfully passed the cse audit of bbdcand be entitled to 2 projects’ development.in order to check the quality of the actual development work,5 persons including the qualitymanager mr.markus of bbdc came toyujiang and did dpa2 audit (development process audit) of yujiang.

 after 2 days audit and communication with german experts, the development work including our new product development plan, the purchase of raw material, die-casting, etc. were audited, and finally be scored with 85.70, ranking ab(next to grade a supplier). the german experts of bbdc indicated that yujiang already did very well in technology, but if yujiang can do much better in somedetails, the products of high quality can be surely provided by yujiang. the experts said that they are willing to help yujiang to improve, thus bbdc and yujiang can be important cooperative partners. in the following, bbdc will come to yujiang to do dpa3 audit (batch production permit audit).

let’s join hands and work actively to strive for providing high-quality products and services to mercedes-benz. let’s work together for yujiang’s tomorrow !

+ page up:learn to appreciate and choosing to be responsible
+ next page:dating with spring

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